051 880 0111


2 Brill Street, Westdene, Bloemfontein, 9301


What we offer

From medical aid to investments we offer turnkey financial solutions. Our experts are qualified to assess your financial situation and help you find the best possible solutions.

Medical Aid

Having a medical aid is very important today because private healthcare is so expensive it’s almost impossible to pay for the medical expenses incurred in hospital and sometimes out of hospital too.  Having a Medical aid gives you the peace of mind to know that whether you are in a motor accident, have to go to the hospital for certain procedures or need to go to the doctor because you have the common cold that you will be covered.

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In life we would like our money to work for us. One of the key ways to do this is to have an investment portfolio.  When you talk to us about your investment, we will use our professional expertise to determine which type of investment best suites your needs. We encourage our clients to have investments as part of their financial portfolio.

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Estate Planning

Estate planning is the process of planning and arranging all assets and wealth during a person’s life, for the management and disposal of that person’s estate during their life and after death.

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Last Will and Testament

Your last will and testament dictates who will get what when you die. Your last will is actually your first step, and it is much more than your financial assests: it is the key to your legacy.

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GAP cover

GAP cover and Medical aid goes hand in hand. Most Medical schemes pay for 100% in hospital rates, most doctors ask more than this. GAP cover covers the gap between what your medical aid pays and what the doctors and specialists charge. Most GAP covers have different products that boost your in-hospital cover staring from 200% – 700%. Some gap covers cover additional expenses like co-payments and emergency room visits.

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Retirement planning

Retirement planning is very important as not a lot of people are prepared for life after work. Very few people understand how much is actually needed to retire comfortably.  The sooner you start with your retirement planning, the more prepared you will be when the day arrives for you to sit back and relax.

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Employee Benefits

There are a number of factors that impact an employee’s productivity, the largest being financial and physical health. If you take care of your employees’ financial and physical health, it will lower their stress levels. This will result in your employees being at work more and being more productive.

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Dread Disease Cover

This benefit pays out a lump some when you are diagnosed with a critical illness. In some cases, it can also be paid out as an income. Dread disease is also sometimes referred to as trauma cover. It covers you for serious, life-changing diseases.

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Life Insurance

This type of insurance is a lump-sum that is paid out when you pass away.  This amount can be used for anything, but usually it covers any debts that you might have so that you leave your family and loved one’s with peace of mind and to ensure that they can maintain their lifestyle after you are gone.

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Short-term insurance

This type of insurance covers things like your car, house and household goods from natural disasters and theft. Short-term insurance usually covers a list of things like, Cars and motorcycles, Bicycles, Jewelry, Golf clubs, iPods, Laptops and many more.

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Financial Planning

Financial planning is the start of any persons success. Too little time is spent on planning, and too much on execution. The adage rings true: failing to plan, is planning to fail.

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Disability Cover

This can be divided into two types:

– Temporary disability: This pays out as an income to replace your monthly salary when you cannot work because of an injury or illness.

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